miercuri, 17 decembrie 2008

grampa, who is by no means a sexist, says...

un gentleman adevarat stie intotdeauna sa dea mana unei doamne atunci cand aceasta iese din beci cu sacul de cartofi in spinare

7 comentarii:

PhenoBarbieDoll spunea...

I say it's time for grampa to go buy tons of groceries all by himself! help allowed only over the phone.

mo spunea...

eh, he's helpful, alright. he just has this quirky sense of humor :P

PhenoBarbieDoll spunea...

he should be punsihed nonetheless :D aaaaand, he should cook!

absurdcus spunea...

I concur .

with grampa..

and with everybody else :P

mo spunea...

@dome: excellent point :)

portos spunea...

Nu stiti sa apreciati un gest frumos facut la momentul optim...

mo spunea...

@portos: ba apreciem, apreciem...